Summary from Home of Industrial Pioneers #HM19

Among multiple events «1st Industrial Pioneers Summit» was one of the most important where the best of the best companies were represented only by top management (C-level, VP, Managing Board etc) Even among the best of the best, there are different points of views what is Industry 4.0 for speakers at «1st Industrial Pioneers Summit»: Group 1. For 40% speakers Industry 4.0 is about processes inside of #DigitalFactory without deep look “before” and “after” using terms #SmartManufacturing, cyber-physical systems, #IoT и #5G which can be considered still as Industry 3.0 components Group 2. For 30% it’s already beyond #DigitalFactory trying to figure out it from the point of customer experience in ways how to enable flexible mass production Group 3. For 30% of the most advanced companies — Industry 4.0 and 4th Industrial Revolution challenges are- digitalization and data integration of entire #end2end#valuechain where #DigitalFactory is just one of many elements creating superior #customerexperience BTW: As a result of the Summit at least 2 companies from Group1 informed organizers of starting active exploring solutions form Group 3 and particularly #end2end supply chain digitalization #industry4#digitaltransformation