Vadym Tsekhanovskyi

5 sec. explanation why traceability may not help

5 sec. explanation why serialization, QR codes, RFID etc without real-time info about the current owner is very limited in a fight with Counterfeit and leaving the consumer blind as to the real source of the product.
According to the serial number, QR code, RFID etc — in both case it will be the same feedback from the manufacturer

5 sec. explanation why traceability may not help

Good news!

Good news! Avalanche Chain was accepted into YCombinator Advisory Path program!

Think different!

Albert Einstein said: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.”
For sure there is a fight between Brand Owners and Counterfeiters but according to some forecasts predicting negative impact from Counterfeit and Piracy $4.2 Trillion already by 2022 — Brand owners are not winning.
There are three key problems in eCommerce:
1) Trust-based approach for choosing «right» Seller and Sellers verification
2) Packaging and Marking are primary methods of physical products identification
3) Consumer is finally responsible for all checks and inspections
Avalanche Chain solution solves that puzzle brings crystal clear real-time transparency into Supply Chain, enabling certain Product verification across entire Value Chain, making Packaging&Marking a secondary tool and able to make all necessary checks without Consumer participation. 

Meet us at Supply Chain 2.0 conference

On May 25, 2018, Avalanche Chain will take part in SUPPLY CHAIN 2.0 conference. This year SUPPLY CHAIN conference is all about Blockchain and Smart contracts in Commodity Trade and Logistics and will be placed in II Decameron Clubhouse, Odessa, Ukraine.